
Friday, August 24, 2007

Is it fall already?


But it's cooling off nicely. The hot tub is maintaining its temperature more closely to the setpoint, as when it is hot and sunny, it tends to heat up beyond the setpoint despite not running the heater. I think I have the hot tub chemical thing figured out now. It's quite different from a swimming pool.

We have 50 bazillion crickets. The babies that finally hatched are each about 1/4" long now.

HannahC's birthday party is tomorrow. Her birthday was like 6 weeks ago, but we didn't have a deck. So we held off until we had a deck and hot tub, and she's having some of her little friends over for a hot tub party. Then, of course, the contractor comes back to tear up the deck on Monday in order to fix the steps that failed code inspection.

I need to defrost my bar refrigerator. But I probably won't any time soon.

My whole house fan sucks air in from the garage. This is making the garage smell like dirt, as outside the garage the dirt was recently dug up to run the power line to the hot tub. I need to replace the weather stripping on the door from the house to the garage, it seems.

I can hardly wait to mow the lawn again. I should fertilize more often. When the grass grows this fast, I can't run drive the mower at full speed (~8mph) and still achieve a good cut. So I get to drive more slowly and thus spend more time mowing.

I did not die this week from any chronic health conditions. Keep your fingers crossed for next week.

No one dies from male pattern baldness. One fewer thing to worry about.

Rico was asking me today what kind of whiskey Jack Daniels was. I said it was just whiskey. According to wikipedia, "Tennessee sour-mash" is actually a classification of whiskey. I did not know that. It's bourbon without any of the quality control rules for bourbon.


Anonymous said...

I tasted a Jack Daniels chocolate ice cream today. Went with the chocolate oreo instead.

CherkyB said...

There's no accounting for taste.

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous you still have your add sense.
I can't believe there was such mishandling of the rules on mine.

It's stopped raining here too.
We're making our boys actually do something around here tomorrow and mow.

Loads of crickets. That's way cool!