
Monday, August 20, 2007

A Change in the Weather

We've been getting a lot of rain this past week. The grass is quite green and growing like crazy. Sunday, it decided to pour while I was mowing the lawn so, like a good little law-abiding automaton, I flipped on the headlights. Then I said to myself, "Self, I sure am happy the doctor confirmed that we do not have pneumonia, cuz this rain is mighty cold and would kill us for sure if we already had pneumonia."

Then, strangely, my self replied, "Go get your fireman coat before you catch pneumonia and kill us both, you moron."

See, I got a "Las Vegas Fire Department" coat at one of my neighbor's garage sales a couple years ago back in San Schmose. Her son had used it as a Halloween outfit. It's a real fireman coat, not some stupid costume version, though I can't attest to whether it's really from the LVFD. I needed a rain jacket, and it sure seemed like this would do the trick. It turns out to be great. Waterproof. All kinds of straps and bindings to seal against wind. Big pockets. Reflective tape. And warm as hell. All for the garage sale clearance price of zero (she comp'd me the coat in the great Las Vegas tradition cuz we were regular customers at her sales).

Now that I have my waterproof hunting boots, I am in no way hindered by big rainstorms when I want to work outside. Nice and toasty warm. Though my baseball cap has a tendency to soak through after a while.

If my sprinkler controllers supported "rain" mode, I might even be able to stop watering the lawn for a few days.

But they don't.


Anonymous said...

How about a pic of that outfit?

Anonymous said...

what a site to see!
neighbors looking for the fire...