
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

It's cooling off.

A much more moderate temperature today. It was only about 84 when I got home from work. That should make the whole-house fan we got installed on Friday quite useful this evening. I've discovered that the outside temperature has to be a minimum of 6 degrees colder than the inside temperature in order for the fan to not make it hotter. I think that's because of the humidity difference between inside (AC) and outside.

Speaking of air, one of the fancy tires in the wini-van has decided to slowly leak. It needs air every couple days. Now, normally this would be easily fixable with a can of Fix-a-Flat, but this van is new enough to have the Democrat-mandated central tire pressure monitoring system, and Fix-a-Flat will gum that all up according to the manual, though the Fix-a-Flat website claims it is "Tire Sensor Safe". In addition, these particular fancy tires (Michelin PAX run flats) are only available on this one wini-van with this one option package and on no other vehicle in the world, and only specially-certified Michelin dealers with special equipment can service them, and only the Honda dealer in Fort TomCollins is certified. The Michelin store a mile from my house is not.

So this slow leak will likely cost me upwards of $200.


Anonymous said...

Fans are wonderful.
Flats are not.

Anonymous said...

It was only $15. They first asked, "Who plugged this for you?" Me, Wife of Cherky B, replied, "Uh, what do you mean? No one? Did you sell me a used tire on my brand new wini van?" Guy: "We'll replug that for you..." Guy again after a few minutes: "Uh, good thing we pulled that off - we found a nail and plugged that too. $15."

Anonymous said...

hmmm sounds suspicious.