
Friday, June 29, 2007

It's going to be hot again

It cooled off quite a bit during the week, but it has decided to get hot again just in time for me to have to go outside and dig holes in the ground and put in the trampoline retaining wall.

It's like the weather is just trying to be mean to me.

On a lighter note, The Mrs. let FreddyC bite the next-door-neighbor's dog today. I tried to prevent it by putting him inside when they, their dog, and their mother's dog were out behind our yard chasing their daughter's puppy (who had escaped). But The Mrs. immediately let him out again with the promise that she'd watch him. But, instead, she let him jump over the fence, and he promptly bit the next-door-neighbor's dog on the ear. I had to grab him and put him back inside where he should have been in the first damn place. It was a 100% preventable incident.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the barometric pressure moved the FreddyC to this type of aggressive behavior.