
Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The road to $1000

I've decided to follow the lead of Cavitation and keep track of how long it takes me to save $1000 by "not pissing it away".

So, let's see. Today I had just one beer at happy hour (where I was to drown my sorrows as opposed to being happy). Savings: $5 (with tip).

I got the medium combo meal at GoodTimes instead of the large. Savings: $1.

Oh, and I did not place my order for this, and then I did not upgrade the engine, seats, electronics, steering, instrument panel, deck, or the trailer. Savings: $43,115.

OK, I'm done.


Rob said...

well played. Hope you feel better tomorrow...

Anonymous said...

You saved enuf to have yo momma-in-law visit you during Sandy Klawz time. Not isn't that better than a boat anyday? Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehedhdhdhdhehehehehehehne