
Saturday, October 6, 2007

The Wind, the Wind!

At about 5pm today, the wind suddenly kicked up, and the temperature dropped about 15 degrees over the course of a half hour. Naturally, The Mrs. decided this would be a great time for me to take The Childrens to the hot tub.

So we sat in the hot tub for a half an hour. My face froze from the driving wind, but the rest of me stayed warm in the water. The hot tub lost 1 degree while we were in it. I wonder what will happen in the dead of winter, when it is truly cold and not just chilly.

We had about 3000 bird fly over the hot tub while we were sitting in it. I don't know what kind, though they looked like some kind of generic blackbird. A gigantic flock flew over almost non-stop for the entire time we were there. It was freaky.


Anonymous said...

I think it was a sudden migration due to the cold wind.

Anonymous said...

Did they poop all over?

Anonymous said...

It's likely the common grackle. Don't eat it, it tastes like carp.