
Saturday, December 29, 2007

Oh how the wind does blow

It's not all that windy. But if I blow the snow to the west with the snowblower, it all comes blasting right back at me, coating me from head to toe in a powdery white.

No, I didn't take pictures.

But I did have to change my pants afterwards.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

It is heap big snowing

Big. Like bear.

I got to use the 4wd all the way to work. Tonight, I will come home from work and plow the driveway with My Beloved by the delicate light of My Precious's headlights. Then, I will eat with my loving fambly, and head out the door to Fat Camp.

I can't imagine a better day.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Now, Just One Minute

You don't get to tag a person who has already been tagged at one of his other blogs. Just because someone has two or three blogs doesn't mean he has to respond to the tag two or three times.

But, in the spirit of Christmas, here are a couple bonus little-known facts about Me, CherkyB.
  1. The story of how I proposed to The Mrs. is one of those stories that never gets told except after midnight if people are buying me drinks. Lots of drinks. I'm not sure The Mrs. has actually ever told anyone the real story, other then perhaps her mother, who is the person in the family known for having at least a modicum of a sense of humor. We haven't yet gotten together to agree on an official lie about how it actually happened, but we need to before The Childrens start asking. Not a day goes by the The Mrs. doesn't wish that I wasn't by far the best she could do.
  2. For my part, I think the proposal was perhaps the best flash of comedic brilliance I have ever had. And, like a true artist, I paid for it with my life.
  3. I have difficulty processing language. In any conversation, I understand only about 2/3 of the words spoken. The rest I kinda fill in. But I fill them in assuming you're a stupid, but clever, ass, so I find what you're saying to be quite amusing. If you're ever talking to me, and I seem to be finding you funny, it's probably because what I'm pretending you said is a lot funnier than what you actually said. I crack myself up all the time. I've had my hearing checked, and it comes out fine. Maybe if you cut to the chase?
  4. As a child, my choices of instruments to play were, in this order: drums, guitar, and saxophone. As a reward for such ambition, I was given a clarinet. I still think I would have made a fabulous drummer. Hell, I love to drink. And beat the shit out of stuff.
  5. In Ft. TomCollins, there are at least three barmaids who knows what I drink. However, none of them know my name. In San Schmose, only one barmaid knew what I drank, but she knew my name and the names of all my friends. I'm actually much happier if they just know what I drink.
Should I go tag myself at the other blog, now?

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Unheard of

Yes, I got to ride My Beloved two days in a row.

That's how much snow we've had. Probably, a good 4-5" over the past couple days.

I went out there last night to clear the snow in the evening. The Mrs., who has always been insanely jealous of my affections, and The Beloved is not spared from this, challenged me, "Why did you go out there and snow blow when it was still snowing?"

To which I replied, "Because it's so beautiful and peaceful to be out at night when it's snowing."

"Peaceful until I get out there."

Friday, December 7, 2007

Yeah, Baby

It's snowing.

Snowing so hard that it took out the satellite dish last night. Apparently, DirecTV doesn't work with a 1" thick coating of slush on the dish.

The trees are so purty. Driveway, sadly, has been melting. No job for My Beloved.

The Mrs. sent me to the liquor store to stock up on wine just in case we got snowed in.

I hope it snows a lot.